
1 minute read



Paper1-Learning multiple gaussian prototypes for open-set recognition

发表杂志:一区Information Sciences

作者:Jiaming Liu, Jun Tian, Wei Han,Zhili Qin,Yulu Fan,Junming Sha





开集识别类似于Novelty Detection异常检测任务,也即都是从正常的样本中检测出离群的样本。

  • 最著名的一个原型学习的例子是KNN

paper2-DGSSC: A Deep Generative Spectral-Spatial Classifier for Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imagery

DGSSC包括三个组件,一个两阶段编码器,一个解码器和一个分类器; 编码器的第一阶段包括连续的三维(3D)和二维(2D)卷积,探索频谱空间和深度空间信息。 第二阶段涉及深度潜变量模型,以实现少数类数据的增强。

paper3: Open Set Recognition using Vision Transformer with an Additional Detection Head


Deep neural networks have demonstrated prominent capacities for image clas- sification tasks in a closed set setting, where the test data come from the same distribution as the training data. However, in a more realistic open set scenario, traditional classifiers with incomplete knowledge cannot tackle test data that are not from the training classes. Open set recognition (OSR) aims to address this problem by both identifying unknown classes and distinguishing known classes simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to OSR that is based on the vision transformer (ViT) technique. Specifically, our approach employs two separate training stages. First, a ViT model is trained to perform closed set classification. Then, an additional detection head is attached to the embed- ded features extracted by the ViT, trained to force the representations of known data to class-specific clusters compactly. Test examples are identified as known or unknown based on their distance to the cluster centers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to leverage ViT for the purpose of OSR, and our extensive evaluation against several OSR benchmark datasets reveals that our approach significantly outperforms other baseline methods and obtains new state- of-the-art performance.

